Derek Sheridan is an Associate Research Fellow in the Institute of Ethnology at Academia Sinica. His research concerns geopolitical imaginaries and the ethics of global inequalities in Africa–China relations. His current writing and research topics include Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Tanzania, Afro-Asian martial arts, and Taiwan. He recently co-edited an oral history collection about American anthropologists in Taiwan during the Cold War and is currently working on a book examining how Chinese migrants and ordinary Tanzanians have come to depend on each other for their livelihoods within an uneven and hierarchical global political economy.

Asymmetries, Heiren Discourses, and the Geopolitics of Studying Race in Africa–China Relations

Writing about race in Africa–China relations is contentious. On the one hand, there is an audience which assumes anti-Black racism in China to be self-evident and regards efforts to contextualise if not downplay it to be puzzling and problematic. On the other hand, there are those who consider discussions of anti-Black racism in China to be unreflectively imposing Western frameworks and contexts on a distinctively Chinese context. This essay argues that this tension is related to other contentions about the nature of political economic asymmetries in Africa–China relations, and the politics of knowledge production regarding who is speaking about whom.

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