Ruodi Duan is an Assistant Professor of History and East Asian Languages and Cultures at Haverford College, Pennsylvania. Her broad research and teaching interests include modern Chinese social and political history, comparative ethnic studies, China–Africa relations, and international histories of the Cold War.

Black Nationalism and Maoism: Revisiting the Relationship

This essay deconstructs the high tide of encounter between China and African American liberation movements. While Chinese narratives in the 1960s promoted a linear vision of Black militancy that would join forces with the white working class, Black Power activists engaged with Maoism as a framework for a politics of racial nationalism that did not always aspire to interracial and anticapitalist coalition-building as its goal. As the project of Afro-Chinese solidarity lost political importance in the post-Mao era, state representatives and official channels within China no longer championed anti-racism to counter potential popular expressions of prejudice.

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