Shan Windscript is a final-stage PhD candidate and sessional academic in History at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research examines unpublished personal diaries written by ordinary people in Maoist China during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) and, more specifically, how everyday writing shaped the construction of revolutionary subjectivities.

Can Chinese Students Abroad Speak? Asserting Political Agency amid Australian Nationalist Anxiety

Australian nationalist discourse rarely acknowledges the existence of Chinese international students except within ethnicised stereotypes—variously, as ‘cash cows’, ‘CCP spies’, and ‘patriotic students brainwashed from birth’ (Four Corners 2019; Hamilton 2018, 4). Daphne Zhao—a pseudonymous Australian-based Chinese graduate student—offers a welcome break from this increasingly paranoid oversimplification in her recent op-ed in this issue of […]

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