Yvonne A. OWUOR is the author of the well-received novels Dust (Knopf, 2014) and The Dragonfly Sea (Knopf, 2019). She holds an MPhil Creative Writing from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, and from 2003 to 2005 she was the director of the Zanzibar International Film Festival. A sought-after commentator on a range of themes, including Africa, nature, storytelling, art, and geopolitical issues, Owuor is also a co-founder of the Nairobi-based Macondo Literary Festival.

World, Meet World

World, Meet World is the title of this brief intervention. When considering what to call this, I was thinking of that quip I heard retold by a weary African thinker leaving a forum: ‘China comes to Africa to talk about trade, culture, and investment. The West comes to Africa to talk about China.’ I enter […]

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