Zifeng Liu is an intellectual historian of the twentieth-century Africana world with specialisations in Black internationalism, anticolonial thought, and Afro-Asian solidarity. His current book project traces a history of African American women radicals’ engagements with China in the age of Bandung. He is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Africana Research Center at the Pennsylvania State University and an incoming Assistant Professor of History at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Tracing the Chinese Arc of Black Internationalist Feminism: An Archive Story

Ranging from the personal, political, and intellectual affinities between W.E.B. Du Bois and Mao Zedong to multiracial groups of muscular male revolutionaries on the front lines of the global charge against US imperialism, the iconographic and historiographical representations of Afro-Asian solidarity prioritise men’s internationalist activism and homosocial bonds, rarely question the long-normalised link of heteromasculinity […]

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