A.C. Baecker is a Lecturer in Art History at the University of Hong Kong. In July 2024, she will become Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese History and Culture at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She specialises in the cultural and material history of modern China, with research interests in mass art practice, socialist amateurism, the material culture of the Cultural Revolution, and the postsocialist legacy in contemporary China.

Anxiety Aesthetics: A Conversation with Jennifer Dorothy Lee

How do revolutions end? In Anxiety Aesthetics: Maoist Legacies in China, 1978–1985 (University of California Press, 2024), Jennifer Dorothy Lee asks how the aesthetic and cultural projects of the socialist period should be understood in the immediate aftermath of Mao Zedong’s death. Focusing on the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, Lee argues that the activist […]

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Amateur Art Practice and the Everyday in Socialist China

This essay examines amateur art practice during the socialist period in China. It argues that socialist amateur art practice not only changed the class and labour relations that had previously defined the fine arts, but also converted the expert and professional cultures of the fine arts into a grassroots practice of the everyday. Originating from small art study groups at industrial and agricultural sites, amateur artists met to create images depicting their labour and lifestyles. The result was a practice that challenged the art academy as a legitimising site of training, evacuated concepts of artistic genius and technical accomplishment, and embraced media primarily oriented toward the public, as opposed to the market.

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