Dawa Lokyitsang is a Tibetan American political and historical anthropologist. Her scholarship looks at Tibetan agency as an anticolonial effort in response to China’s developing imperial colonialism in Tibet. Her scholarship on Tibetan schools in India historicises the national agency of Tibetans in exile and examines how the preservation of their national and spiritual identity as Tibetans—an identity criminalised and securitised by China within Tibet itself—became grounds for community-building and movement-generating efforts that regularly unsettle China’s settler-colonial consumption of Tibet. Her scholarship on the decolonising agency of Tibetans thus sits at the intersection of developing Asian imperial colonialisms, reactive anticolonial nationalisms, and creative Indigenous sovereign futurisms.

Are Tibetans Indigenous? The Political Stakes and Potentiality of the Translation of Indigeneity

How does settler-colonial imperialism operate in Asia, and what are the ways in which Asian Indigeneities become mobilised? To address this question, in 2017, I brought together scholars who are observing various settler-colonial and imperial dynamics and developments across Asia for a panel discussion titled ‘Asian Settler-Colonialisms and Indigeneities’ at the 116th annual American Anthropological […]

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