Gerda Wielander is Associate Professor in Chinese and Head of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Westminster, London. Her main research interest lies in the link of the personal and spiritual to wider social and political developments in modern and contemporary China. She is the author of Christian Values in Communist China (Routledge 2013) as well as several book chapters and articles in leading peer reviewed journals. She is currently working on an edited volume called Perspectives on Chinese Happiness, which is part of her wider research on happiness targets and education in China’s political project.

Chinese Dreams of Happiness: What Are the Chances?

The happiness of the Chinese people is one of the declared aims of the Chinese dream. An educational volume on social governance and welfare published by the official Red Flag Press entitled Building a Happy China sums it up like this: ‘The process of the reinvigoration of the Chinese nation equates to the building of […]

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