Jonathan Unger, a sociologist, is a professor in the Australian National University’s Political and Social Change Department and Co-editor of The China Journal. He has published fifteen books and more than seventy refereed journal articles and book chapters about China. His books include Education under Mao: Class and Competition in Canton Schools (1982), The Transformation of Rural China (2002) and, as co-author, Chen Village: Revolution to Globalization (2009).

Turmoil at the Grassroots in China’s Cultural Revolution: A Half-Century Perspective

This is the text of the 77th George E. Morrison Lecture given by Jonathan Unger on 3 November 2016. The Lecture Series is sponsored by the China Institute and the Australian Centre on China in the World. Almost exactly half a century ago, starting in the middle of 1966, Mao Zedong unexpectedly launched the Cultural […]

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