Juliet Lu is a doctoral student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management at the University of California, Berkeley, and a co-host of the Belt and Road Podcast. Her research examines the political ecology of Chinese agribusiness companies’ investments in Laos, primarily in rubber plantations. Starting in September 2020, Juliet will be based at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability as a postdoctoral fellow focussing on the contributions of rubber to deforestation in Southeast Asia and conducting research to directly support emerging initiatives to make the rubber supply chain more sustainable.

Strategic Resources and Chinese State Capital: A View from Laos

The claim at the heart of Ching Kwan Lee’s The Specter of Global China (2017) is that Chinese state capital differs from other forms of global private capital. But Lee acknowledges that ‘state capital’ is a complicated category—not all state-owned enterprises share similar connections to the state, and many private companies have robust ties to […]

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