Ling Han is an Assistant Professor in the Gender Studies Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a sociologist researching the intersections of gender, digital platforms, the meaning of work, and entrepreneurship. She has published about digital feminism and the platformisation of everyday lives. Her current research delves into the impact of digital philanthropy on gender non-profits and the experiences of women in platform work in contemporary Chinese society. She has recently co-edited a special issue of Gender in Management on women’s entrepreneurship in China.

Gender and Disability in China: The Rise of Female-Led Disabled Persons’ Organisations

In recent years, thanks to the popularity of digital platforms, an increasing number of female-led disabled persons’ organisations (DPOs) focusing on disability inclusion has emerged in mainland China. This growth marks a welcome change from the traditional male dominance of such organisations. While multiple definitions of DPOs exist, in this essay, we view DPOs as […]

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