Luke Hein is an experiential educator and writer. He has been involved in China Studies since 2005 when he spent his senior year of high school in Beijing. In 2007, he worked for a tour company in Yunnan and in 2008 conducted six months of field research on the effects of the Olympic Games on migrant worker income strategies as part of a year-long undergraduate research project. He graduated from Auburn University, Alabama, with a BA in English and a minor in Asian Studies. Luke has worked as a career educator since 2014, mainly with US high school students studying in China and Indonesia. In 2021–24 Luke worked with the Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project. His journalistic writing can be viewed at The News Lens International.

Teaching China in Alabama Prisons in Six Objects

  I celebrate teaching that enables transgressions—a movement against and beyond boundaries. It is that movement which makes education the practice of freedom. —bell hooks (2014: 12)   All kinds of contraband items were smuggled into the Alabama prisons where I worked as an educator and administrative assistant from June 2022 to January 2024 through […]

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