Mirshad GHALIP has a PhD from the Department of Anthropology, Indiana University. His dissertation, titled ‘Uyghur Realities: Genocide in the Homeland, Survival in the Diaspora’, combines autoethnographic method with quantitative and qualitative data to explore how atrocities taking place in the Uyghur homeland have influenced the language attitudes and ideologies of the Uyghur diaspora in North America. Mirshad now works on comparative approaches to language policy and cultural maintenance, with a specialisation in the attitudes and language maintenance methods of Uyghur diaspora communities around the world.

Language Ideology as Identity in the Uyghur Diaspora

This essay delves into the language ideologies of the Uyghur diaspora community in the United States and their efforts to maintain their heritage language. It argues that the language ideologies of these Uyghurs significantly influence their language maintenance practices, such as forming social connections with like-minded individuals and enforcing rules at home for language maintenance. Additionally, the ongoing settler-colonial process of eliminating Uyghur identity in the Uyghur homeland is fostering a transnational language ideology that views the Uyghur language as integral to Uyghur identity and speaking Uyghur as a form of resistance.

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