Stephanie Yingyi Wang is an Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University. She graduated from the University of Washington in 2022 where she earned her PhD in Feminist Studies. She is the executive director and co-founder of r&B bisexual China, which is the longest running network for the non-monosexual community in China since 2013. Her decade-long activism in feminist and queer movements in China and beyond has led her to develop research interests in transnational feminism, LGBTQ+ studies, feminist political economy, labour, affect, social movement and NGO politics. She is currently working on her first monograph tentatively titled ‘Cruel Activism: Precarity, Affect, and Governance of Chinese Feminist and LGBT NGOs’.
The closure of the Beijing LGBT Centre (北京同志中心) on 15 May 2023, only three months after its fifteenth anniversary, caused shock and heartbreak among the Chinese queer community both within China and abroad. One of the largest and longest-running LGBTQ non-profit organisations in the country, the centre had operated as a physical gathering space, a […]
In the past three decades, China’s civil society has gone through a series of ups and downs in the context of shifting national policies and geopolitics. The Fourth World Conference on Women that was held in Beijing in 1995 was a watershed moment for transnational feminism and LGBT activism.[1] It not only introduced the nongovernmental […]
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