Suvi RAUTIO is a social and cultural anthropologist specialising in China. Her upcoming book, Invention of Tradition in China: The Story of a Village and Nation Remade, centres on heritage-making in a Dong ethnic minority village through the lens of Xi Jinping’s Traditional Village scheme. Her current postdoctoral project looks at the transmission of memory and loss among Beijing’s intellectual class during the Maoist era. She has also conducted fieldwork and written about African popular dance in Guangzhou through the lens of shifting Sino-African geopolitical structures.

Xi Jinping’s Traditional Villages

Over the past four decades in China’s forward march to capitalist modernisation, the nation’s vast urban expansion has been contingent on demolition and relocation. Since Xi Jinping came to power, projects such as the ‘Traditional Village’ heritage scheme have sought to gear development towards a new era in which Chinese heritage sits at the core. […]

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