Wei Shi (史唯) is an Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Macau. She was a reporter and producer at China Central Television in Beijing during the 1990s. Her articles have appeared in Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies (台湾社会研究季刊), Reflexion (思想), Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies (文化研究), Renjian Thought Review (人间思想), Social Movement Studies, Journal of Youth Studies, Chinese Journal of Communication, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, and Continuum. She is the author of Drifting Around China’s Las Vegas: Migrant Workers in Macau(澳门移工:漂泊在中国的拉斯维加斯) (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2018).

Why Is Reconciliation Impossible?

On the Clash of Emotions between Hong Kong and Mainland China

This essay presents an affective analysis of the antagonism between Hong Kong and mainland China. It illustrates the contexts in which the conflicts are driven by an accumulation of emotional experiences and imaginaries. The divergent emotional positions should be understood as a consequence of nationalism and nativism. Fear and pride are two opposing emotional structures that have become the material basis of ongoing confrontations. Each side uses its own experience to erase that of the other, making regional reconciliation difficult. We suggest that comparing the two structures of feeling helps identify the psychological mechanisms at work.

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