Kecheng Fang is an Assistant Professor and Director of the MA in Journalism Program at the School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include journalism, political communication, and digital media. He received his PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining academia, he was a journalist at the Chinese newspaper Southern Weekly (南方周末). He received the Early Career Award from the Association for Chinese Communication Studies in 2024.

Quality Journalism in China Is Not Dead; It’s Just More Dispersed Than Ever

This essay maps the evolving landscape of quality journalism in China, exploring where reliable information thrives under increasing restrictions. Analysing the roles of state-owned institutional media alongside diverse, independent voices—including professional content creators, citizen journalists, and those working transnationally—it demonstrates how these actors operate both within and beyond established media structures. The essay also discusses the challenges posed by platform dominance.

CNPolitics: A Conversation with Fang Kecheng

We are happy to announce a new collaboration between the Made in China Journal and the website, a Chinese-language academic website specialising in the popularisation of social science research. In the coming months, CNPolitics will translate and feature a selection of our articles, making them available to a Chinese-speaking audience. In this conversation, CNPolitics […]

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