Li Jun, also known as Li Sipan (李思磐), is a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Previously, she was a renowned investigative journalist and columnist with China’s Southern Media Group. In 2017, she earned her PhD in Political Sociology from the University of Macau, with a dissertation titled ‘Social Movement, Media, and the State: The New Feminist Movement with Communication as Core in Contemporary China (2003–2016)’. Li is the founder of the influential feminist nongovernmental organisation Women Awakening Network (新媒体女性网络, also known as New Media Women).

News Media and the Feminist Movement in China: A Brief History

This essay presents a historical analysis of the evolving relationship between Chinese news media and the feminist movement over the past three decades. It investigates how Chinese feminists have strategically utilised media platforms to advance their causes and examines the influence of media system transformations on the paradigms of feminist activism. The article argues that young women, empowered and inspired by feminist activism, have emerged as a critical force in sustaining the resilience of journalism.

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