Maurizio Marinelli is Professor of Global China and Co-Director of the Asia Centre at the University of Sussex. He is also an Honorary Professor at the Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London. The focus of his research is located at the crossroads of Chinese history, politics, and society. He has conducted research for several years on the transformation of Tianjin, from the foreign concession era (1860–1945) to the present, publishing his findings on Tianjin’s urban transformation in numerous articles and two books, Italy’s Encounter with Modern China: Imperial Dreams, Strategic Ambitions (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, co-edited with Giovanni Andornino) and China: A Historical Geography of the Urban (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, co-edited with Zhang Xiaohong and Ding Yannan). He is currently working on a manuscript entitled Hong Kong: Markets, Street Hawkers, and the Fight against Gentrification (Bloomsbury Press, 2023).
In 2007, Hong Kong’s Urban Renewal Authority declared the 150-year-old Graham Street Market ‘a slum’ and announced ‘redevelopment’ plans that would replace it with four luxury high-rise office buildings and hotels. This essay analyses the market’s historical function and the actions of concerned civil society organisations vis-a-vis government authorities and urban developers in the battle […]
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