Nicholas Loubere is an Associate Professor at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University and the co-editor of the Made in China Journal. His current research examines informal patterns and processes of Chinese globalisation, focusing on Chinese participation in resource extraction booms from the nineteenth-century gold rushes to the current phenomenon of cryptocurrency mining. He is the author of Development on Loan: Microcredit and Marginalisation in Rural China (Amsterdam University Press, 2019) and the co-author of Global China as Method (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

There and Back Again: Conceptualising the Chinese Gold Rush in Ghana

On 15 May 2013, Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama announced the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Task Force aimed at bringing ‘sanity’ to the country’s rapidly (and chaotically) expanding small-scale mining sector. Over the course of the next month, the army and police proceeded to ‘flush out’ and deport nearly 5,000 foreign nationals who were illegally […]

Laying Off Responsibility: Microcredit, Entrepreneurship, and China’s Industrial Retrenchment

When the news broke earlier this year that Chinese state-owned steel and coal companies would be laying off anywhere between 1.8 to 6 million workers over the next two to three years, the government quickly moved to provide assurances that the socioeconomic fallout would be mitigated through 150 million yuan in assistance for the newly […]

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