Uradyn E. Bulag is a Reader in Social Anthropology at Cambridge University. His interests broadly span East Asia and Inner Asia, especially China and Mongolia, the Mongolia-Tibet interface, nationalism and ethnic conflict, geopolitics, historiography, and statecraft. He is the author of Collaborative Nationalism: The Politics of Friendship on China’s Mongolian Frontier (2010), The Mongols at China’s Edge: History and the Politics of National Unity (2002), and Nationalism and Hybridity in Mongolia (1998)

Nationality / Minzu

Modern China has inherited not only a large territory but also many ethnic groups from the Manchu Qing Empire it overthrew in 1912. How to ‘stretch the short, tight, skin of the nation over the gigantic body of the empire’ has been a question confronting both the successive governments of the Republic of China and […]

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