Francesca Coin is a Lecturer in Sociology at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her research focusses on money, labour, and subjectivity. She has published extensively on the evolution of precarious, unpaid, and digital labour in a neoliberal society. She is currently working on a book on the relationship between the nature of money and social movements in the European crisis.

A Genealogy of Precarity and Its Ambivalence

Focussing on the conceptual evolution of precarious labour over the past three decades, this essay provides a genealogy of the notion of precarity. On the eve of the fourth industrial revolution, when precarity has become the norm and fears of a jobless society have alimented a dystopian imaginary for the future, this historical reconstruction seeks to identify those elements that have shaped the material conditions of workers as well as influenced their capacity of endurance in times of growing uncertainty.

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