Xiaoling Chen is a PhD candidate in geography at the University of Colorado Boulder. She studies China’s health governance through the lens of its Covid-19 response and public hospital reforms. Her dissertation focuses on how biopolitical projects—such as digital surveillance, vaccination campaigns, and online censorship—have been implemented in China. She is also working on a monograph that explores social dynamics within the public hospital space at the intersection of health policies and medical regulation. Her work has appeared in international journals, including Critical Asian Studies, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Human Organization, and Geojournal.
On 13 December 2022, the hashtag ‘Sudden Death of a First-Year Graduate Student on Duty at the West China Hospital of the Sichuan University’ (#华西研一学生在岗猝死#) on Sina Weibo triggered heated discussions about the welfare of healthcare workers in China. Chat logs and medical records circulating online indicated that 23-year-old student Chen Jiahui had tested positive […]
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