Issue #1
Then and Now
Looking Back and Imagining the Future of Chinese Civil Society
January—April 2021

In the spring of 2021, China’s central authorities issued a policy that seeks to change norms of China’s civil society that have been established over the past thirty years. At a moment that portends a closing of space for unregistered NGOs and a possible shift in the ways NGOs can emerge, evolve, and cooperate with other social and state entities, we thought it important to look back to revisit the development of China’s civil society over the past decades. Not only is this exercise important in enabling us to understand the shifts now taking place, but it also reminds us of the possibilities that once were, and the possible futures that may be. With this issue we wanted to bring together practitioners, whose experience of running or participating in organisations and initiatives is invaluable both in and of itself but also in helping us to reflect. We sought to bring their insights together with those of scholars who also have a deep interest, and often practical experience, in China’s organised civil society, studying its different aspects and dynamics. We hoped, too, to capture something of the vibrant diversity of organised civil society during its early (re-)emergence in the 1990s and to remember, as best we could, some of the early pioneers and possibilities.
Table of Contents
China Columns
The Cultural Politics of National Tragedies and Personal Sacrifice | Kailing Xie and Yunyun ZhouOutsider Within: Young Chinese Feminist Activism in the Age of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom | Jin Xianan and Ni Leiyun
Labour Relations, Depersonalisation, and the Making of Class Identity in a Chinese Rural County | Camille Boullenois
An Anatomy of Trump’s Appeal to Chinese Liberals: A Conversation with Teng Biao | Ling Li and Teng Biao
Cultivate Aridity and Deprive them of Air | Holly SnapePioneers and Possibilities: Reflecting on Chinese NGO Development through Oral History | Wang Weinan and Holly Snape
NGO Development in China Since the Wenchuan Earthquake: A Critical Overview | Kang Yi
Humility in the Pursuit of Tacit Knowledge: Public-Benefit Work in Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development | Zhou Jian and Tian Hui
Explorations in Environmental Protection: A Conversation with Guo Yunzhe | Wang Weinan and Guo Yunzhe
From State Humanitarianism to Equal Citizens: The Making of Disability Subjects in China | Shixin Huang
Unfinished Revolution: An Overview of Three Decades of LGBT Activism in China | Stephanie Yingyi Wang
The Yirenping Experience: Looking Back and Pushing Forward | Lu Jun
From Green Shoots to Crushed Petals: Labour NGOs in China | Jude Howell
China’s Human Rights Lawyers: Rifts and Schisms in an Era of Global Human Rights Backlash | Eva Pils
Going Global: The International Endeavours of Chinese NGOs | Ying Wang
Will There Be a Civil Society in the Xi Jinping Era? Advocacy and Non-Profit Organising in the New Regime | Lawrence Deane
Global China Pulse
Railroaded: The Financial Politics and the Labour Puzzle of Global China | Wanjing (Kelly) ChenChinese Energy Investment in Cambodia: Fuelling Industrialisation or Undermining Development Goals? | Editors
A Disappointing Harvest: China’s Opium Replacement Investments in Northern Myanmar Since 2009 | Edmund Downie
Securing China’s Northwest Frontier: A Conversation with David Tobin | Darren Byler and David TobinBeijing from Below: A Conversation with Harriet Evans | Andrea E. Pia and Harriet Evans
Revisiting Minjian Intellectuals A Conversation with Sebastian Veg | Zeng Jinyan and Sebastian Veg
A Tribute to Daniel Kane | Annie Luman Ren